Orsaken till den ryska revolutionen hittar vi här:
"It would be logical to suppose that this Socialist society was built on the confiscated fortune of the
late Czar Nicholas II, but this is not the case. In 1913, the Czar was undoubtedly the richest man in
the world, with a personal fortune amounting to some thirty billion dollars in 1913 dollars. He
personally owned 150,000,000 acres of land, and had some 30,000 servants, 500 automobiles in his
personal fleet, 6,000 horses, 2 yachts, a personal gold reserve of one billion dollars in the Imperial
Bank, with five hundred million dollars worth of jewels, including the $200,000 Great Mogul
diamond, a Crown valued at $75 million and 32,000 diamonds. He controlled one-sixth of the
surface of the entire globe. On the night of November 6, 1917, at 2:00 a.m., Red Guards drove a
truck to the Imperial Bank and removed all of the Romanoff gold and jewels. Much of the gold was
later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York. We may recall that the senior partner of
Kuhn, Loeb Co., Jacob Schiff, had put up some $20 million of his own funds to finance the
Revolution. Apparently it was a good investment. Victor Hammer fenced many of the Crown jewels
to collectors in Europe and the United States.
The Dowager Empress Maria escaped with the considerable jewels in her personal collection. Both
King George V and King Christian of Denmark repeatedly tried to get her to "entrust" her jewels to
them for "safekeeping" or at least for" appraisal." She steadfastly refused, knowing that she
probably would never see them again. When she died in 1928, special agents seized the jewels and
immediately whisked them to Buckingham Palace. Her more important pieces later were seen in
Queen Mary's personal collection.
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring
some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J. P.
Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares
in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar's
sequestered funds. Thus the Romanoff family actually owns the controlling interest in the Federal
Reserve Banks today!
Other deposits of the Czar included $35-50 million in the Bank of England, $25 million in
Barclay's, $30 million in Lloyd's Bank, $100 million in the Bank of France, $80 million in the
Rothschild Bank in Paris, and $132 million in the Mendelssohn Bank in Berlin. Since 1917, a cloud
has hung over the financial structure of the Western democracies, threatening their jerrybuilt
financial structure, the fear that some court somewhere, might eventually rule that the Czar's funds
must be turned over to the rightful heirs. This would affect not only the ownership of the Federal
Reserve Bank stock, but, with payment of interest, would mean the end of our ten largest financial
institutions. Does anyone wonder why the United States government, which is under the total
direction of the Big Ten Banks, continually makes every effort to finance and feed the crumbling
Soviet empire? Can anyone predict the financial calamity which would ensue if the Romanoffs were restored to the throne of Russia, and asked for their money back, or if they got a court ruling
anywhere in the world to that effect?"Det ovan skrivna är taget från Eustace Mullins The Curse of Canaan, och vi får där läsa vad det var som fick de amerikanska bankmonstren att vilja sponsra revolutionärerna med 20 miljoner dollar --- en sponsring som fick en minst sagt extraordinär avkastning när man rövade bort allt som den fromme Tsar Nicholaj II ägde och förvaltade å det ryska folkets vägnar. Att man sedan lyckades lägga det kristna Ryssland i ruiner och fick mördat bortåt HUNDRA MILJONER kristna ryssar och andra slaver gjorde ju inte precis det hela mindre angenämt. Mullins kallar f.ö. hela Ryssland under kommunisttiden för ett enda gigantiskt koncentrationsläger.