Publicerar här Broder Nathanaels senaste inlägg. Han ger oss här ännu en inblick i Dostojevskijs konstnärskap som än bättre förklarar saken:
The Return Of The Idiot
One of the most loved characters in the history of fiction is Dostoevsky’s Prince Myshkin, the central figure in “The Idiot.”
Myshkin is portrayed as “The Beautiful Person” — A “Holy Fool” — who returns to Russia from a Sanitarium in Switzerland where he was treated for ‘mental illness.’
The child-like character of Myshkin, who without calculation speaks with stark honesty, disarms and disquiets a host of characters: nihilists, the rich, and even the passionate and earth-bound.
Rogozhin is one such “passionate” who meets the Prince face to face in the train car returning from Switzerland as it approaches St Petersburg.
When Rogozhin—taken up with the child-like Prince and wishing to tempt him—promises to introduce him to a beautiful woman,
the Prince demurs saying, “I don’t know women at all.”
“You come out as a holy fool,” Rogozhin laughs, “God loves your kind.”
Myshkin soon encounters a fallen society…and in our hopes of seeing him changing it, ends up a total failure. The world is not changed. In fact, the world becomes even worse.
Dostoevsky then resurrects the character of Prince Myshkin in another “holy fool,” Alyosha, in his final novel and masterpiece, “The Brothers Karamazov.”
When asked by a troubled girl if at Easter the Jews kill a child and eat it, Alyosha answers, “I don’t know.”
This has infuriated the Jews ever since who whine and carp that Dostoevsky should have put in Alyosha’s mouth a plain and unambiguous “No.”
But Alyosha’s answer stands.
A similar scene appears in The Idiot when the Prince walks up the staircase of Rogozhin’s dark and gloomy apartment and sees a painting on the wall, Holbein’s “Christ Taken Down From The Cross.”
Struck by the horror of death exuding from the crucified corpse of Christ, Myshkin exclaims, “One can lose his faith looking at this painting.”
And when later in the story a heated discussion reaches the boiling point, The Idiot proclaims:
“There’s more wealth, but less strength in the world; the binding idea of Christ’s Resurrection doesn’t exist anymore; everything has turned soft, everything is rotten, and people are rotten.”
Do Jews at Easter really kill a child and eat it?
Alyohsha won’t say no. And Prince Myshkin looking at the corpse of Christ is about to lose his faith.
The Return of the Idiot faces the plight of America. We’ve lost our faith.
I mean, the Jews, depicting for us in the press only a dead Christ, have taken it from us.