Här kan vi läsa vad Glory B (född och uppvuxen jude, nu dock kristen) anser judarna är skyldiga till:
"Jewry is really the scourge of the world.
Consider what the world would have been like if there had been no Jews.
If there had been no Jews, in the last 400 years alone, there would have been…
No French Revolution,
No negro slaves in America,
No American Civil War,
No Armenian Genocide (in which nearly all of the 2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were murdered in 1915-23, instigated by Jews),
No Russian Revolution,
No Chinese Communist Revolution (35 million killed/starved in “The Great Leap Forward”),
No World War I,
No World War II,
No Communist Soviet Union Genocide (85+ million Whites murdered by Jews),
No Holodomor (in which 4 million to 10 million Ukrainians were starved to death by the Communist Jews),
No murder and killing of upwards of 150 million of the best young men of the White race in the last century alone,
No Cold War,
No Korean War,
No Vietnam War,
No “NATO” bombing of Serbia,
No Iraq War,
No future Syrian or Iran War,
No Communism anywhere,
No current Islam threat to or invasion of the West,
No significant “Terrorism” at all,
No industry/job outsourcing and impoverishment of America,
No destruction of Europe, our White homeland for the last 40,000 years,
No destruction of White Western Civilization,
No new China threat,
No global capitalism,
No New World Order,
No declining world-wide White population,
No flooding of White nations by non-whites,
No world-wide extermination of the White race.
What new horrors are Jews planning? Stay tuned."
söndag 27 februari 2011
onsdag 23 februari 2011
fredag 18 februari 2011
Evan Sadlers syn på NWO
Här en minst sagt sensationell film, i all sin enkelhet, av en viss Evan Sadler, där NWO, sionister, frimurare och Illuminati och det mesta som rör dessa sataniska organisationer avhandlas i rasande fart. Amatörmässigt gjort rent tekniskt kanske, men under de dryga två timmar som Sadler (som för övrigt är djupt kristen) föreläser så går det knappt att hämta andan emellanåt: så mycket högexplosiv info får vi ta del av. Efter denna föreläsning så inser man att historien vi lärt oss i skolan enbart är bluff, lögner och propaganda. Vi inser vidare att en satanisk elit av ofattbar styrka och djävulskhet nu har världen i sitt våld. Mycket nöje.
onsdag 16 februari 2011
Är Pikes brev en förfalskning?
En av de reguljära kommentatorerna på Real Zionist News är en viss KathJuliane. Härom veckan skrev hon följande kommentar angående Albert Pikes välkända/ökända brev rörande de tre världskrigen. För mig har detta brevs äkthet alltid varit ett stort problem. Det som stört mig speciellt har varit att man inte verkar ha några gamla källor att hänvisa till, och nu med KathJulianes inlägg så verkar det än mer korrekt att anse brevet vara en förfalskning. Men oavsett om brevet är falsk eller ej, så inser vi säkert att ett tredje världskrig verkligen står på agendan. Och som vi kan läsa längre ner här på bloggen så ville ju sionisterna dra igång detta krig redan på femtiotalet.
"The so-called “letter” of Pike and Mazzini is bunk (it comes from what is called Taxil hoax material), but William Guy Carr went even further - he made up the part about “three world wars.”
Try background research on the Taxil Hoax.
It starts with Gabriel Jogand-Pagès, better known as Léo Taxil, was born in France in 1854 and educated by the Jesuits who caused him to be embittered toward religion.
Taxil became a ‘free-thinker’ and actually joined Masonry but was expelled as a result of both being an atheist, defaming one of the popes with outright libels, and wrong-doing.
Further angered, he chose revenge in a literary manner and decided, after a highly publicised “repentance” to the Catholic church - perhaps in an effort to make both Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic church look foolish - to ridicule Catholics’ credulity about Freemasonry by creating an elaborate story in which the leader of the Southern U.S. Scottish Rite, Albert Pike, was the brunt of the fabrication.
“Albert Pike to Mazzini, August 15, 1871: Three World Wars?
- by Terry Melanson, Oct. 5th, 2010 conspiracyarchive.com
“Or, how Michael Haupt said, that William Guy Carr said, that Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez of Santiago, Chile said, that The Cause of World Unrest said, that the confessed hoaxer Gabriel Jogand-Pagès aka Dr. Bataille aka Leo Taxil said about Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini in Le diable au XIXe siècle, v. II, 1894, p. 605 (but actually pp. 594-606). Got it?
I don’t derive any satisfaction from a debunking. I really don’t. Discovering the truth is a reward in itself.
“Having a knack for getting to the bottom of a thing also helps with maintaining credibility.
Historiography is among other things concerned with source criticism. And while I’m not an academically trained historian, I am quite aware that one should strive to consult the primary source as opposed to relying on the word of secondary or even tertiary accounts.
The matter at hand deals with an alleged “three world war” prediction from famed Mason, Scottish Rite Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike. William Guy Carr was the key purveyor of the tale which, to me, was suspicious at the least.
Off and on I’ve been working at it. And I’ve finally cracked the case.
The “Three World Wars” website and Carr
Let’s begin with the modern populariser of the Pike/Mazzini, 1871 “letter.”
In 2003, an Englishman by the name of Michael Haupt [fig 1] launched [fig 2] his website threeworldwars.com in response to Jihadist terrorism and the American invasion of Iraq. Backed by the knowledge gleaned from a conspiratorial view of history and an obvious impending cataclysm, the words of William Guy Carr, attributed to Albert Pike, seemed to precisely predict the dire circumstances unfolding in the Middle East.
[And then Melanson does a thorough comparison study on all the literature involved.]
As is obvious, these are not direct quotes, rather only a claim. And there is no citation for these revelations, either:
When exactly did Pike supposedly lay out his master conspiracy? And where can one read the complete unedited original?
Exactly what William Guy Carr was trying to pull, I’ll never know. If you’ve bared it until the end, perhaps you’re disappointed to have found nothing about a prediction of three world wars, Communism, Nazism and Zionist Illuminati – or anything of the sort. [In any of the original resources.]
A search through the entire book, utilizing relevant word combinations, turns up nothing either.
Instead, what it truly represents is the scurrilous fantasies, and militant anti-Catholicism of its author: the impostor Leo Taxil aka Dr. Bataille, who profited handsomely while having a million laughs at the expense of both Christians and Masons; who confessed that his entire corpus of anti-Masonic works – spanning twelve years and representing thousands of pages (including the translated excerpt above) – were a complete and utter fraud; a colossal yet ridiculously farcical hoax.
It is enough having shown that the so-called Pike/Mazzini letter came from the Taxil hoax and to have provided a full translation of it.
However, if the reader is so inclined, there are plenty of resources to become familiar with all facets of the Leo Taxil case in the above embedded links [on the page].
Taxil benefited from the atmosphere in France at that time, which was indeed rife with anti-clericalism, occultism, and outright Satanism. The poets and authors of Romanticism had also looked upon Satan and Lucifer as a hero, and became more outspoken as anti-clericalism became the norm.
“The Devil had a curious rebirth in the nineteenth century,” writes historian Jeffrey Burton Russell.
"The so-called “letter” of Pike and Mazzini is bunk (it comes from what is called Taxil hoax material), but William Guy Carr went even further - he made up the part about “three world wars.”
Try background research on the Taxil Hoax.
It starts with Gabriel Jogand-Pagès, better known as Léo Taxil, was born in France in 1854 and educated by the Jesuits who caused him to be embittered toward religion.
Taxil became a ‘free-thinker’ and actually joined Masonry but was expelled as a result of both being an atheist, defaming one of the popes with outright libels, and wrong-doing.
Further angered, he chose revenge in a literary manner and decided, after a highly publicised “repentance” to the Catholic church - perhaps in an effort to make both Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic church look foolish - to ridicule Catholics’ credulity about Freemasonry by creating an elaborate story in which the leader of the Southern U.S. Scottish Rite, Albert Pike, was the brunt of the fabrication.
“Albert Pike to Mazzini, August 15, 1871: Three World Wars?
- by Terry Melanson, Oct. 5th, 2010 conspiracyarchive.com
“Or, how Michael Haupt said, that William Guy Carr said, that Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez of Santiago, Chile said, that The Cause of World Unrest said, that the confessed hoaxer Gabriel Jogand-Pagès aka Dr. Bataille aka Leo Taxil said about Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini in Le diable au XIXe siècle, v. II, 1894, p. 605 (but actually pp. 594-606). Got it?
I don’t derive any satisfaction from a debunking. I really don’t. Discovering the truth is a reward in itself.
“Having a knack for getting to the bottom of a thing also helps with maintaining credibility.
Historiography is among other things concerned with source criticism. And while I’m not an academically trained historian, I am quite aware that one should strive to consult the primary source as opposed to relying on the word of secondary or even tertiary accounts.
The matter at hand deals with an alleged “three world war” prediction from famed Mason, Scottish Rite Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike. William Guy Carr was the key purveyor of the tale which, to me, was suspicious at the least.
Off and on I’ve been working at it. And I’ve finally cracked the case.
The “Three World Wars” website and Carr
Let’s begin with the modern populariser of the Pike/Mazzini, 1871 “letter.”
In 2003, an Englishman by the name of Michael Haupt [fig 1] launched [fig 2] his website threeworldwars.com in response to Jihadist terrorism and the American invasion of Iraq. Backed by the knowledge gleaned from a conspiratorial view of history and an obvious impending cataclysm, the words of William Guy Carr, attributed to Albert Pike, seemed to precisely predict the dire circumstances unfolding in the Middle East.
[And then Melanson does a thorough comparison study on all the literature involved.]
As is obvious, these are not direct quotes, rather only a claim. And there is no citation for these revelations, either:
When exactly did Pike supposedly lay out his master conspiracy? And where can one read the complete unedited original?
Exactly what William Guy Carr was trying to pull, I’ll never know. If you’ve bared it until the end, perhaps you’re disappointed to have found nothing about a prediction of three world wars, Communism, Nazism and Zionist Illuminati – or anything of the sort. [In any of the original resources.]
A search through the entire book, utilizing relevant word combinations, turns up nothing either.
Instead, what it truly represents is the scurrilous fantasies, and militant anti-Catholicism of its author: the impostor Leo Taxil aka Dr. Bataille, who profited handsomely while having a million laughs at the expense of both Christians and Masons; who confessed that his entire corpus of anti-Masonic works – spanning twelve years and representing thousands of pages (including the translated excerpt above) – were a complete and utter fraud; a colossal yet ridiculously farcical hoax.
It is enough having shown that the so-called Pike/Mazzini letter came from the Taxil hoax and to have provided a full translation of it.
However, if the reader is so inclined, there are plenty of resources to become familiar with all facets of the Leo Taxil case in the above embedded links [on the page].
Taxil benefited from the atmosphere in France at that time, which was indeed rife with anti-clericalism, occultism, and outright Satanism. The poets and authors of Romanticism had also looked upon Satan and Lucifer as a hero, and became more outspoken as anti-clericalism became the norm.
“The Devil had a curious rebirth in the nineteenth century,” writes historian Jeffrey Burton Russell.
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