CHRISTIAN BYZANTIUM extended from the Balkans to Western Europe during the 4th through 15th Centuries AD. Thus, the Byzantine Empire, (not taught, of course, in Jew-run Public Schools and Colleges), was known to its inhabitants as “Rhomania” because Constantine the Great, Byzantium’s first Emperor from 306 to 337 AD, established the empire’s center in Constantinople as the “New Rome.” In addition to being a Christian civilization in which the Church worked in “symphony” with the State, (as today in Putin’s Russia), Byzantium had one further characteristic, namely, its claim to be the direct continuation of the Roman Empire, a claim maintained until its fall in 1453 at the hands of Muslim invaders. One essential feature of the Byzantine Empire was its policy toward the Jews. This policy was codified by Emperor Justinian in the 6th Century AD, popularly known as, “The Code of Justinian.” JUSTINIAN’S CODE FORBADE Jews from holding civil office and teaching positions. Even part of the Orthodox Church’s “canon law” prohibited its members from seeking out “remedies” from Jewish physicians. Compiling various laws regarding the Jews that were established before him into a legal codification, Justinian forbade Jews:Som vi nu inser, efter att ha läst det ovan skrivna, så är Kristendomen av största vikt för vårt välbefinnande. Vi inser även att det som nu sker i Ryssland, där Putin återkristnar sitt hemland, även måste ske här hos oss i väst snarast möjligt.+ To engage in proselytism; + To marry Orthodox Christian women; + To possess Orthodox Christian servants; + To hold office or honors in the Roman state; + To build new synagogues; + To read the Old Testament in Hebrew but rather in Greek which did not cut out the prophecies that pointed to Jesus Christ; + To use Judaic interpretations of the Old Testament; + To bear witness in court against an Orthodox Christian; + To hold teaching positions in Roman schools or as private tutors.The culmination of Justinian’s “Codex” was the denial of Roman citizenship to the Jews and relegating them to the rank of second class citizens.In spite of Jewry calling Justinian an “anti-Semite,” the Orthodox Church not only honors him as a great Emperor but also as a great saint. THE SOLUTION TO THE JEWISH PROBLEM is for Europe to return to its Christian roots—the historical Church—in which the “evangelical” error that posits the Jew as “chosen” and having some “special” role to play has no place. Neo-paganism and idyllic myths that salivate over Indo-European “gods” promoted by White-Identity Websites will only provide the Jew with yet another stepping stone to greater hegemony over the political affairs of European society. Wagner (a profound master) and his operas indeed are milestones in the evolution of classical music. But to elevate Wagner’s Nordic Wodens and Fricas to realms of some new European “reformation” is not only laughable but historically shallow. “Europe Is The Church and The Church Is Europe!” said the great 20th Century historian, Hilaire Belloc. It is via the historical Church, and ONLY the historical Church, that the Jewish siege of Europe can be opposed, dismantled, and ultimately destroyed.
torsdag 26 april 2012
Det Kristna Bysans
Under står att läsa en oerhört intressant beskrivning av hur det kristna Bysans fungerade. Texten är hämtad från den andra halvan av Broder Nathanaels senaste artikel. Lade bara upp halva artikeln här. Inledningen finns att läsa på BN:s hemsida.
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