lördag 15 januari 2011

Glory B ger "Mr Palmer" svar på tal

Här har vi senaste högintressanta kommentaren av Glory B. Som vanligt hårtslående och rättfram. Det viktiga att komma ihåg när det gäller Glory B och flera andra kommentatorer på Broder Kapners websida är att de vet vad de snackar om! Inga av dem är hatiskt inställda mot judarna: ty hat är alla sanna kristna fjärran! De är dock uppfyllda av vrede gentemot den ondska som den sataniska dödskult vilken gömmer sig bakom den sk judendomen besitter. Själv kan jag känna denna vrede, och låt mig förklara vad för en vrede det handlar om: Det är inte en personlig egovrede, rörande mitt personliga lilla liv, utan långt mycket mer djupgående än så: Vreden jag talar om är av en helt annan art och kommer från allas vårt gemensamma inre. Och ondskan vi upprörs av är den ondska som vill förgöra oss människor - Guds skapelse - mot Guds vilja! Vreden vi känner är dock enbart en svag förkänning av det som komma skall från världens verkliga Herre, som framtills nu följt händelserna här hos oss på avstånd. Världens verkliga Herre, allas vår Fader, kommer att ta itu med ondskans företrädare när tiden är inne ... på ett totalt fruktansvärt vis! Var så säkra.

Glory B:

Mr. David “Not a Jew” Palmer,

“Israel is the strongest force in the world because behind Israel there hides the hand of God.”


Mr. “Not a Jew,” I think you’re hiding behind the hand of Satan.

Through you, Satan is boasting that he is more powerful than God.

The Bible has an entire book devoted to this subject, the Book of Job.

God allows Satan to test Job’s faith by afflicting him with all sorts of trials and disasters.

Through it all, Job questions God’s actions, but he never denies God, nor does he take his wife’s advice to “curse God and die.”

Eventually, God answers Job, and tells him that His actions are so far beyond man’s comprehension that man cannot understand why there is evil in the world.

God then restores Job to his former position of wealth and contentment.

Mr. “Not a Jew,” it is not our place to question God’s purpose, or why He has seen fit to disregard the actions of the evil JEWS.

Obviously, the godless kikes prefer Satan to God, and have the power of Satan behind them.

The kikes worship filthy lucre (”the love of money is the root of all evil”) and practice all sorts of indecencies, with their control of finance, education, media, academia, government, science, technology and the church.

If you doubt this, just find the Talmud on the Internet and read some of the passages of this most evil, dirty book. You’ll discover Satan in every word.

God will deal with the satanic JEWS in His own way.

God sent His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to show man how to live.

Due to their greed and avarice, the JEWS rejected our Lord and His way of life.

The jealous JEWS decided to kill Jesus, and did murder Him to end His preaching and the miracles He performed.

But our Lord defeated death and the JEWS by rising from the grave on the third day.

And He sent His apostles around the world to preach the Gospel — the Good News of Jesus Christ.

As a result, Christianity — the religion of Jesus Christ — has become the most powerful, most influential religion in the world.

The dirty JEWS have never accepted Christ, and they compound their sin by trying to destroy Christ and His Church.

It is our duty as Christians to oppose the evil JEWS, and to do our best to defeat them.

Ultimately, however, it is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit who will overcome the Christ-killing JEWS and their supporters, like you, Mr. David “Not a Jew” Palmer.

Never fear, never doubt, we will triumph in the end, and the satanic JEWS will be sent to their real home — Hell — to be with their father, the devil.

Do you really want to be among them?


Judaea delenda est.

“Jewry must be destroyed.”

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